

7/18/2024 - Our tutorial on Data-driven Methods for Network-level Coordination of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Across Scales has been accepted in the program of the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference!
7/16/2024 - Our Workshop on Control Architectures Theory (CAT) has been accepted to IEEE CDC 2024!
7/9/2024 - Our paper 'Integrated User Matching and Pricing in Round-Trip Car-Sharing' has been accepted in the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.
7/2/2024 - Two papers accepted for presentation at the RSS 2024 Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles Across Scales, titled 'Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning for Network-level Coordination of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Across Scales' (awarded a spotlight talk!) and 'Task-Driven Co-Design for Resource-Efficient Autonomous Vehicles: Integrating Perception and Motion Planning'.
7/1/2024 - Gioele is thrilled to receive the Rudge (1948) and Nancy Allen Career Development Chair.
6/28/2024 - Gioele gave invited seminars at NASA JPL and Caltech.
6/14/2024 - Check out Gioele's interview in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine
5/29/2024 - Gioele gave a Seminar at AI4SD, Oslo, Norway (remote)!
5/15/2024 - Check out the teaser for the new special subject taught in the Fall by Gioele, 1.S980: Applied Category Theory for Engineering Design (ACT4ED)!
4/25/2024 - Gioele gave a talk at the Topos Institute Colloqium, check it out!
4/10/2024 - Gioele gave a seminar at the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Southern Califoria, hosted by Pierluigi Nuzzo.
4/3/2024 - Gioele gave a talk at the MIT Mobility Forum, kindly hosted by Prof. Jinhua Zhao. Have a look at the recording!
4/2/2024 - Our work 'On the Co-Design of Components and Racing Strategies in Formula 1' has been accepted in the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. This is exciting work in collaboration with ETH and Ferrari!
4/1/2024 - First day of the lab's website! We will officially hit the ground in the Fall.

For older news, please check here!