About Us

Driven by societal challenges, the goal of the Zardini Lab at MIT is to develop efficient computational tools and algorithmic approaches to formulate and solve complex, interconnected system design and autonomous decision-making problems. Applications feature society-critical problems in mobility, logistics, autonomy, automotive, aerospace, energy, and complex systems in general. The lab, comprised of researchers equipped with strong mathematical skills and diverse engineering backrounds, solves such problems by employing and enhancing techniques from optimization, control theory, game theory, domain theory, and applied category theory.

Zardini Lab Ice Cream.

Check out our latest publications here!

Upcoming talks by Prof. Zardini:


9/24/2024 - Our ITSC Tutorial on Data-Driven Control of AMoD Systems was a success, stay tuned for the recordings!
9/13/2024 - Gioele gave a talk at the IDS.900 Doctoral Seminar!
9/8/2024 - We are delighted to kick-off a project with Amazon Robotics on multi-agent motion planning, in the context of an Amazon Research Award we won through the MIT Amazon Science Hub!
9/7/2024 - Check out the faculty spotlight on Gioele.
9/4/2024 - We gave the first ACT4ED lecture. Check out the post!
7/18/2024 - Our Tutorial on Data-driven Methods for Network-level Coordination of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Across Scales has been accepted in the program of the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference!
7/16/2024 - Our Workshop on Control Architectures Theory (CAT) has been accepted to IEEE CDC 2024!
7/9/2024 - Our paper 'Integrated User Matching and Pricing in Round-Trip Car-Sharing' has been accepted in the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.
7/2/2024 - Two papers accepted for presentation at the RSS 2024 Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles Across Scales, titled 'Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning for Network-level Coordination of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Across Scales' (awarded a spotlight talk!) and 'Task-Driven Co-Design for Resource-Efficient Autonomous Vehicles: Integrating Perception and Motion Planning'.
7/1/2024 - Gioele is thrilled to receive the Rudge (1948) and Nancy Allen Career Development Chair.
6/28/2024 - Gioele gave invited seminars at NASA JPL and Caltech.
6/14/2024 - Check out Gioele's interview in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine
5/29/2024 - Gioele gave a Seminar at AI4SD, Oslo, Norway (remote)!
5/15/2024 - Check out the teaser for the new special subject taught in the Fall by Gioele, 1.S980: Applied Category Theory for Engineering Design (ACT4ED)!
4/25/2024 - Gioele gave a talk at the Topos Institute Colloqium, check it out!
4/10/2024 - Gioele gave a seminar at the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Southern Califoria, hosted by Pierluigi Nuzzo.
4/3/2024 - Gioele gave a talk at the MIT Mobility Forum, kindly hosted by Prof. Jinhua Zhao. Have a look at the recording!
4/2/2024 - Our work 'On the Co-Design of Components and Racing Strategies in Formula 1' has been accepted in the 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. This is exciting work in collaboration with ETH and Ferrari!
4/1/2024 - First day of the lab's website! We will officially hit the ground in the Fall.

For the entire list of news, please refer to news!

Contact Us

Zardini Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Ray and Maria Stata Center
32-D716 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139